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In this post, I'll show you how to build a simple blog archive as a component using Em.Component. Before start coding, lets skim at the Ember.Components

Lets go with building a simple blog-archive. When you register a component, the templates are looked into the components/ structure.

{{blog-archive content=content}}

Now we can define our App.BlogArchiveComponent

App.BlogArchiveComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  months: [

  archives: function(){
     //code logic to return an tree-like array as year --> months --> posts

Now to determine whether each year or month is expanded or not, we need to have a flag for each item. We can make use of itemController (may be an ObjectController) which wraps each item in an array.

{{#each archives itemController="yearItem"}}
    <a {{action toggleProperty "isExpanded"}}>
      <i {{bindAttr class="isExpanded:icon-chevron-down:icon-chevron-right"}}></i>
    <span class="muted"> ({{totalYearPosts}}) </span>
    {{#if isExpanded}}
      {{#each value itemController="monthItem"}}
        <a {{action toggleProperty "isExpanded"}}>
          <i {{bindAttr class="isExpanded:icon-chevron-down:icon-chevron-right"}}></i>{{key}}
        <span class="muted"> ({{value.length}}) </span>
        {{#if isExpanded}}
          {{#each value}}
            {{#linkTo "post" this}}{{name}}{{/linkTo}}

The itemControllers are defined as,

App.YearItemController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
  isExpanded: false,
  totalYearPosts: function(){
    var totalPosts = 0;    
      totalPosts += post.get('value.length');
    return totalPosts;

App.MonthItemController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
  isExpanded: false

You can view it in action in the below fiddle.